Posted by Srandil Mandala on Thursday, January 27, 2011

Berawal dari tugas student day akhirnya saya menemukan artikel yang cukup menarik ( buat saya )  ...berisi tentang  corn plastic ( plastik jagung ????? ya plasti yang terbuat dari jagung ) untuk lebih jelasnya langsung aja check it out  . . .. 


corncob pipe
For years, the corncob pipe was a fashion accessory best left to hillbillies, Frosty the Snowman and Gen. Douglas MacArthur. While the look is no less bumpkinish today than it ever was, corn is showing up in the production of more everyday items -- and without resembling a prop from "Hee Haw." What looks like normal oil-based plastic at first glance is actually polylactic acid (PLA) plastic made from specially processed crops.

That's right: corn plastic. You can drink coffee out of it, put groceries in it, wear it and even hang ten on it on a corn plastic surfboard. Most important, you can turn corn into plastic and avoid dependency on petroleum. Much like corn ethanol, corn plastic allows us to make a comparable product out of a renewable resource, as opposed to oil reserves that will one day run dry. In addition, since corn can be cultivated throughout the world, market value doesn't hinge on relationships with oil-rich nations or on peace in the Middle East. After all, have you ever seen "No blood for corn" printed on a T-shirt?

The United States uses 20.8 million barrels of oil per day, 10 percent of which goes solely to the production of conventional plastic such as polyethylene terephthalate (PET) [sources: CIA World Factbook, Jewell]. Bioplastics like corn plastic, however, don't require oil and, as a bonus, their manufacture releases fewer toxins and greenhouse gases.

jadi pada intinya corn plastik adalah plastik yang terbuat dari bahan dasar jagung . berbeda dengan plastik yang biasanya, corn plastik dapat terurai lebih cepat dari pada plastik biasanya (  hanya butuh waktu kurang lebih 2 tahun bandingkan dengan plastik biasa yang membutuhkan waktu beratus-ratus tahun )
di indonesia corn plastik baru beberapa tahun belakang ini mulai dikenalkan kepada masyarakat ( di Amerika sudah 25 tahun lalu . . T_T tau sendiri lah indonesia dengan amerika ) 
. dengan penggunaan corn plastic diharapkan kerusakan lingkungan dapat diminimalisir . SO  . . LETS GO GREEN  . .. .!!!!!!!

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